Letter | Start of Term Arrangements – September 2022

Dear Parents/carers,                                                                                                  As we reach the end of term, we are able to look back on a year that has been hugely rewarding but challenging. For the first time in two years we have completed a full academic year without closure or remote learning, students across the school have thrived in having all the opportunities the school offers for their academic and personal growth, but getting back into those strong ways of working has taken time and perseverance. Looking ahead to the new academic year, I am hopeful and excited for continued ‘normality’ so that we can get on with ensuring the best education possible for our students, your children. I would like to express my thanks to you for your support this year; whether it has been through attending school events or the day-to-day support you give to ensure your child is in school and set up for the day ahead – thank you.  To be kept informed of what is going on in school each week, I encourage you to read the weekly school newsletter and sign up to the Edulink app as well as check your emails regularly.  If you ever have to change your email address, home address or phone numbers, please inform us of this straight away by emailing office@sydneyrussellschool.com   I would also like to thank our staff who have worked tirelessly from the outset to achieve nothing but the best for our young people. Their support this year has been invaluable to me. Particular thanks go to colleagues who are retiring this term: Mr Dyer (Redcoat), Mrs Lewis (EYFS lead) after 26 years of service in education, Mr Stickland (Biology) with 32 years of service and Mr Moore (Geography) who has served 33 years, 31 of which have been in Barking & Dagenham schools.  I wish them all long, healthy and happy retirements, with our thanks for everything they have done for our school and our students during their years of service. I would also like to thank colleagues who are leaving SRS for pastures new and wish them every success and happiness in their new ventures. Summer holidays – uniform purchasing and summer activities Uniform will be available for purchase at the following times during the summer holiday: Sales will take place at our Primary School Site at Fanshawe Crescent | RM9 5QA Tuesday 02-Aug Sydney Russell primary site 10am to 3pm Monday 08-Aug Sydney Russell primary site 10am to 4pm Tuesday 16-Aug Sydney Russell primary site 10am to 4pm Saturday 20-Aug Sydney Russell primary site 10am to 2pm Summer activities Summer activities available in the local area have been included in this week’s newsletter.  We also urge you to encourage your children, no matter their age, to read as much as possible during the 6 week break.  A great way to do this is by joining the Summer Reading Challenge 2022!  You can sign up for FREE and get access to lots of books, activities and resources as well as track your progress in the challenge! https://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/ You will find a suggested reading list on our school website, detailing books which can be easily sourced from your local library.  You can also access FREE books and magazines through Press Reader using your library card details, take a look at https://www.pressreader.com/ I also take this opportunity to draw your attention to next year’s term dates and an outline of key dates for school events for the year ahead which can be found below. As we close for the summer holidays, if there are any urgent concerns which you need us to be aware of, or if you need school support in any way, please email office@sydneyrussellschool.com Finally, I wish you and your families a wonderful summer holiday – I hope you get to relax and enjoy much needed time for yourselves.  I look forward to seeing you recharged and ready in September for a great year ahead. Yours faithfully, Clare Cross Principal